Tropical Pitcher Plant
Tropical Pitcher Plant
Nepenthes are a jungle vine found growing in the wild in Indonesia and Madagascar. There are approximately twenty species that still exist. Nepenthes are known for there flat leaves tipped with tendrils that form a colorful pitcher at the end. In the wild the tendrils will wrap around a tree branch to prevent the pitcher from spilling it’s fluids. Tropical Pitcher plants can produce pitchers almost two feet long, large enough to hold several quarts of fluid.
Learn more below:
Nepenthes are either male, which produce the pollen, or female, which only produce only the pistil. Most nepenthes are produced through cuttings or tissue culture. All of our nepenthes are artificially propagated through tissue culture.
How to keep your Tropical Pitcher Plant healthy!
Location: Nepenthes require an area with as much humidity as possible. A terrarium is ideal. Select an area that has bright indirect light. Morning sun is usually okay, check for marginal burning caused by too much heat. Growing under Grow-Lux lamps is fine for 16 to 18 hours per day. The ideal temperature is between 60°F and 85°F.
Watering: Tropical Pitcher plants should not be allowed completely dry out! For best results use distilled water or rain water. Tap water with low salt content is acceptable provided water is allowed to stand overnight, to remove the chlorine.
Feeding: Nepenthes feed on all insects, tree frogs, and small rodents. Fertilizing with a 20-20-20 1/4 strength solution once a month is recommend where insects are in short supply. For those of you with orchids, you can also use your Pro Blend Orchid Food for convenience, again at 1/4 strength.
Transplanting: You can transplant your Nepenthes with sphagnum moss, or a peat moss and sand mixture. You should transplant every two years, during any season.